Katie Kendrick.
I FINALLY got to meet her last night. And she was as marvelous as I imagined her to be. I learned so much from her last night and also today during her first day teaching in Studio CRESCENDOh. I also learned things from students and people related to students. I wanna make sure I don't forget ...
1. Leave the Predictable. Travel to the Unknown. It's where new information lies.
2. It's not the product. It's the process. So, so true. Especially in terms of color choices, it's always been much more about what I see, what I want, what I do. And many times, what I want violates rules about color combinations. And I dare say that sometimes I adore making a muddy, murky color ... the one that we're all supposed to avoid. I know what I like.
3 One of the fears I have about going to therapy to untangle some of my tangles is that it may negatively affect my art. Because the tangles and angst fuel what I believe to be my best art. To that, Katie shares that even when life gives you joy rather than tangles, you can still make great art ... as long as you remain true, authentic, passionate, vulnernable, and not afraid to go where you are meant to go. Joyously becoming.
4 What makes a painter a painter is not talking about it or thinking about it, but actually putting paint onto paper or canvas or wood or other substrate. What makes a cook a cook is when someone cooks ... actually chopping garlic and moving it around a pan with olive oil. What makes a poet a poet is when a person stops talking and starts putting words down on paper ... especially a very young girl who quietly pulls out ...
a plain white sheet of copy paper
and a sharp number two
to construct crooked, imperfect lines
with misspellings and word choices that don't rhyme
but pull from her heart the pain of anything, no, everything
and having not one thing, not one
there on the stark white paper
to make grown-ups fall
and grown-ups paint
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