M.C. Richards writes eloquently in The Crossing Point:
It is dangerous for poets and painters and sculptors and musicians to think that their image, their composition, is the source of value—instead of the reflection of value, the making conscious of an experience of value otherwhere derived. The paint peels and cracks, the pot breaks, but the realm out of which it comes continues to reveal itself in more works of art and craft.
Nothing bores me more than convos where people waste inordinate amounts of time trying to protect what they think they own and believe as being the source of true value ...
"Hey, the thick down stroke and thin upstroke in lettering ... that's my idea. You can't steal that."
"The crooked lips and curly hair was my invention, you can't do that."
"The use of black, red, and white ... that's my color palette ... I can't believe you're copying me."
"Are you using images of birds and leaves? Don't you know that I did that first?"
And on and on it goes ... without regard of knowing that all of it ... the thick and thin strokes, the crooked lips with curly hair, the black-red-white palette, the birds and leaves ... were all born and interpreted a million times before us and will continue to be interpreted a million times after we are all gone. Forever.
I love this...people get way too protective over what they claim as "their" style, as if, even though they post it on the Internet for the world to see, they own it in some way. Part of me wonders if they want to protect it so they can sell a class, or make money off it...as if hold onto it with all their might will make it worth more..
The value of the art, of those marks, comes from the heart making them, not the technical execution. No one can truly copy, because we all add in our own abilities and experiences to what we do, and that combination is what creates our work.
I just adore your blog, Jenny. I went through and read back for quite awhile, and am in awe of your candor, strength, and vulnerability. It's refreshing and fosters connection. Thank you for sharing so much!
Posted by: Samie | July 19, 2013 at 10:39 AM