I guess since I did my last two Top 10 lists on a Sunday I'm technically a day early but that's what I feel like doing this time. It's not like I'm breaking a long-standing tradition or anything. Or any tradition really. Because after two weeks of something is it really considered a tradition? Maybe it will become one if I keep it up for 2 months. At least.
10. I still haven't checked my voice mails. I've definitely decided to go all through January not listening to them.
9. Andrew's birthday was yesterday. Aside from cold hard cash, we also got him a nano because he really needed a device for his music. But we didn't get him any device that gives him connectivity to the Internet. It's a challenge for him. And he knows it too. It just sucks him in so bad. I mean we all get sucked in but with him it's at an epic level. This is also why he's not on Facebook. He agrees that it would not be a good thing for him to be on Facebook or have a handheld device with connectivity. I'm glad he has that self awareness. He's a great boy.
8. Ever since our household switched over to the Hario drip kettle/cone method for making coffee, I find that there is no coffee shop that can make a better-tasting cup than the what we make at home. I just love it. So if you ever see me go into a coffee shop, it's usually more for the ambiance and human interaction rather than the coffee because the best coffee is at home.
7. If you follow my IG feed, you'll see that I've been adding numbers to my fitness-related posts. I'm trying to keep track of how many days I actually work out every month and then overall for the entire year. I have told myself that I can have 4 days off per month if needed, which would mean that in 2014, I need to not fall below 317. Every post also has an ongoing monthly cumulative so for today, it looked like this: JAN: 18-2/31 2014: 18-2/365. I really like posting these numbers. They motivate me to stay ahead of my goal.
6. I always wonder about people who buy lots of mascara. That's cause I usually use a tube for maybe a year. I usually throw it away before an entire year passes because I feel that maybe I should. And granted, a new tube always feels more wonderful as it glides on but still, it lasts a heck of a long time. The best situation of course is to get a tube as a gift with purchase, which is usually how I get my mascara and then it's like you don't ever pay for mascara.
5. Not to sound like an anti-happy person or anything but I think happiness is over-rated. I mean, yeah I want to be happy. And I want my family to be happy. Ultimately so. But in between I actually enjoy feeling other emotions, including sadness. I like to linger in those other feelings. And if I had to choose between happiness and simply being aware of things, I'd choose the latter.
4. So now that Andrew's birthday has passed, the next birthday for my family is ... dun dun dun ... mine! I've become one of those people who now prefers to say that I'm forty-something rather than saying precisely what age I am. Haha. And I've also become one of those people who becomes not only happy but ecstatic when people guess my age as being 4, 5, 6 and sometimes 7 years younger than my age. Love it when that happens.
3. I finally bit the bullet and bought a real easel. I spent a pretty penny on it but I'm really excited because right now, as I work on large canvases, it's a hot mess the way I have to handle them. I'm so excited! I'll let you know how it goes once it arrives and I start using it.
2. Monica has started hearing from colleges that she's applied to. So far, it's 3-0. So 3 yes's and 0 no's. Yep. That's my girl. She went in for an interview with one of her top choice campuses today. Super duper exciting. If that campus says yes, it'll be where she goes I'm pretty sure. And I can't wait to get all the "(campus name) mom" sweatshirt, keychain, bumper sticker and related gear. My friend Dori and I have been texting about how whichever campus she lands at, Dori and I will visit her and pull all our assorted shenanigans to embarress her to death in front of her roommates and college friends. What fun we'll have.
1. There are more moments than ever before in my life where I feel content with where everything is at. Mostly that I am gaining days where I get more and more time to create art. I sonetimes wonder whether this time to create is really and truly my time ... whether I really am allowed to bask in it and roll around in it with no other obligation than to make art. And when I realize that yes it is, I say a prayer of thanks to the universe for letting it be mine and hope that it is heard.
I so appreciate your transparency. reality is wonderful, whatever it is. ;)
Posted by: donnalee | January 20, 2014 at 05:44 PM