Here's a little Valentine's Day tutorial for you: Love candles.
I start by buying the small white clear religious candles in glass that can be found in the ethnic/religious aisle in most grocery stores.
Tear and place 2-inch thick strips of masking tape onto a piece of transparency. Also tear and place .75-inch thick strips of pink neon tape on the transparency.
Feed the transparency through a typewriter and type the word "love." I got my typewriter on eBay. It's a Baby Hermes Jubilee. I love it. If you don't have a typewriter, you could write the word with a permanent marker, collage a word onto the tape or leave the tape alone without any text. That's pretty too.
Use scissors to cut the pink tape to have a scalloped edge. Peel the strip carefully off of the transparency and stick it to the top edge of the candle.
Cut the typed wider tape into the shape of a heart and carefully peel the tape off the transparency and stick it onto the body of the candle.
Use a pencil to lightly and imperfectly outline the heart and then use your finger to smudge and blend the pencil outline so the heart can look nicely smudged.
With love,
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